724-575-1284 call/text
Signed in as:
724-575-1284 call/text
Signed in as:
Chose any topic for your group or individual learning.
Descriptions and details available upon request.
* There's Honey in Everything!
* Knowing Your Inner Personal Power
* Stress Management: Relieving the Pressure
* Improving Your Relationships (work/client/home)
* Appreciating Your Way to a Happier Life
* How to Embrace Negativity While Living Positively
* Attracting What You Want
* Dealing with Life’s Difficulties
* Making Decisions Intuitively
* Using Positive Thoughts & Affirmations
* Shifting Perception is the Key
* How to Go with the Flow Realistically
* Meditation
* Intuition & the Body
* How Healing Really Works
* The Body’s 4 Bodies
* Distraction from Disease
* Laughter is Great Medicine
* How Fear Influences Illness
* To Each His Own: Honoring Differences
* Happiness: Raising the Vibe of Your Life
* Reiki I, II, III
* The Affects of Attitude on Health
* Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing
* The Body Talks: Learn How to Listen
* Living in the Now
* Self-Healing
The Human Body:
* Understanding How Your Body Talks to You
* Your Emotional Guidance System
* Protective Mechanisms of the Body
* Invisible Invaders are helpers
* The Incredible Human Body
* How Tissue Repairs
* How the Body Heals Itself
* Intuition Development
* Tarot
* Advanced Tarot
* Connecting with Those Who Have Passed
* Communicating with Non-Physical
* Law of Attraction
* How to See Auras
* Dreams & Symbols
* How to Conduct a Reading
* What Happens When We Die?
* Life Between Lives
* Fear kNOw Evil
* Reality of No-Ghosts
* Reincarnation vs. The Eternal Now
* Spiritual Chaos/The Dark Night of the Soul
* Trusting Divine Order
* Vision Boarding with Intention
* Animal Communication & Wellness
* Seeing Your Life as Heaven Sees It
* The Natural Laws of the Universe
* Tapping Into Your Guidance
* The Joy of Death
Working with Clients:
* Listening: What Your Client is Really Saying
* Handling Severe Illness & Death
* Focus: Problem vs. Solution
* Guidance vs. Telling Clients What to Do or What Will Happen
* Taking Criticism Seriously...or Not
* Professional Ethics
* How to Teach a Class
Topics can be tailored to your specific needs and available time.
539 Charles Ave, New Kensington, PA 15068