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1. Thoughts become things - Think about what does feel good to you (in your life, in your body, in your desires, etc.). Steer your thoughts away from the 'don't wants' and the 'don't likes' and spend more time on the 'do likes'. It won't take long at all before your life and your body respond in kind.
2. Stress doesn't live in higher vibrations - Close your eyes and imagine waves of vibrating energy washing through your body. Have fun with it. Feel it. Relax with it. Know it. Image it like a shower, if that helps. Even if you only do this for a minute or so, it will make a pleasant difference.
3. Balancing your Chakras- To keep the flow of chi (life energy) coming steadily into the body, you can "spin" your own chakras very easily. It's as simple as taking one hand and spinning it in a clockwise fashion over each major chakra area (clockwise: as if a clock is sitting on your body facing out to the world, follow the path the clock's hands would make as they turn). Create a funnel-like effect over the area, like pushing smoke into a swirl. The colors associated with each chakra are listed here also (ROY-G-BIV, like a rainbow, from bottom to top). You may think of, or visualize, each of the colors as you spin each chakra, but it's not necessary for the technique to be effective.
The Seven Major Chakra locations:
1st Chakra - from the base of the spine. Like a funnel coming from the bottom of the trunk toward the floor. Red.
2nd Chakra - at the area between the belly button and the pubic area. Orange.
3rd Chakra - at the solar plexus (bread basket, between the bottom of the rib cage and the navel). Yellow.
4th Chakra - over the chest, relative to the heart area. Green.
5th Chakra - at the neck. Blue.
6th Chakra - at the forehead. Indigo.
7th Chakra - out the crown/top of the head, like a funnel widening toward the sky. Violet.
The 2nd through the 6th energy centers are on both sides of the body, but you need only work with the front in this case. This chakra technique can be done daily or whenever you think of it. It can take less than a minute to several minutes depending on your preference and available time. It's extremely effective.
4. Healing Breath - This is a breathing technique that is very effective for dumping stress and accumulated "junk". It can be done as often as you like and for as long as you like. Don't worry if you're not a great visualizer, your thoughts are enough. Begin by breathing in a sparkling white light. Let it soak into your body as a whole or into a particular section of the body. Next, breathe out whatever color you associate with your "junk". That color may be different each time you do this technique. Continue to breath in the white light and breath out the darker color - let the darker color becomes lighter and lighter until it is as white as the air you're breathing in. When you've done this, you have "dumped" the denser energy from your body and replaced it with the natural, vital energy of the universe. Remember, you can do this for a few moments as a pick-me-up or for several minutes to gain a deeper benefit.
5. Self-Talk - Say good-feeling things to yourself. Be real about it. You know you're wonderful - if nobody else has told you lately, tell yourself. "I'm a good person. I'm learning as I go, just like everyone else. I think I'll take it easy on me. I like to feel good. Everything works out for me one way or another. I've made it OK this far in life - and I'll keep making it." You get it. Be creative.
6. Happy is as Happy Does - Close your eyes or just stare off into the nothingness and go to your happy place. Any happy place.
7. Meditate- Meditation isn't difficult. It's simple and can be done in so many ways. The main point is to bring your awareness to where you are. Be with you. Be one with all that is.
8. Pre-program it- How would you like it to go? Your day. Your next event. Anything. Think it and let the synchronistic motion of life create some version of that.
9. Keep Love Flowing- You have an endless supply of love in your Heavenly account. Why not spend it freely on yourself and others? Besides, isn't it nice to know we have something we can spend/give without limitation? Here's how I spend my grace account. When I notice...
~ A man struggling to breathe as he walks up a few steps.
I see him well as I walk past. That's what Jesus did, btw.
~ Dead animals by the roadside.
I send a blessing and thoughts of a lovely ascension.
~ A woman impatiently screaming at another driver.
I send a calm wave of energy her way with a quick thought like, "De-stress, it's OK."
~ A teenager who appears to be feeling defeated by life.
Send love that says, "You truly are wonderful. Remember who you are & why you're here."
~ I feel down or discouraged or sick...
I remind myself to 'take it easy on me' and I trust that this too shall pass.
There is much good that comes from this type of contrast.
~ The latest kidnapping story on the news.
I ask for the best outcome for all, realizing that that can be anything.
You get the idea. It's good for both you and the other person or situation. There's no need be elaborate or go overboard. Keep it simple, short, and sweet. Heaven knows your intention and will take it from there. Any of these blessings take just a few seconds and I can do this while I'm carrying on a conversation or driving or working or shopping.........
10. Living in the Now- Every chance you get, every time you think of it...bring your attention to right now. Be the curious observer. Am I OK right now? Am I happy right now? Do I have any problems right now? Perhaps you'll find that you're fine - that your life is fine. Perhaps thoughts and feelings will come to you regarding what to do about the things that don't seem fine. Being observant and being situated in the "now" will not only heighten your trust in life, but will bring changes that only you can understand and relate to. Never mind the past. Never mind the future. You can only ever truly be where you are right now. And how happy that is, depends on your decisions about it.
Recommended Reading & Other Resources
1. Emmanuel's Books I, II, & III by Pat Rodegast & Judith Stanton
These books are in Q & A format, perfect for quick reference after you've read them. They most likely won't be found in bookstores anymore, so I've listed them by ISBN # so you can look for them online.
Emmanuel's Book 0-553-34387-4
Emmanuel's Book II: The Choice for Love 0-553-34750-0
Emmanuel's Book III: What is an Angel Doing Here? 0-553-37412-5
2. ANY material by Abraham as translated by Esther Hicks. Found at major bookstores, online stores, or at www.abraham-hicks.com
3. Any books by Florence Scovel Shinn - she only wrote a handful of books and each is very short and to the point. These were written in the 1920's and are great for anyone wanting to tie together bible teachings and the law of attraction/spiritual teachings.
4. Key to Yourself by Venice Bloodworth
5. The Door of Everything by Ruby Nelson
6. Journey of Souls by Michael Newton and Destiny of Souls by Micheal Newton (2nd book to Journey of Souls)
7. Soul Survivor by Bruce and Andrea Leininger (a very detailed account of their son's past life memories along with documented research).
8. Anything by Wayne Dyer
9. For a balanced view of alternative and conventional medicine/practices see Dr. Andrew Weil at www.drweil.com
10. Your own personal inner knowing & guidance. Trust it.
Mystical Truths (of course lol)
The Telepathy Tapes
Next Level Soul
539 Charles Ave, New Kensington, PA 15068